Monday, February 27

the only natural thing to do was build a fort.

here i am: college graduate with a job.  my job might just be working as a shift lead for red mango, but it's still a job after college.  in addition, my husband {still can't get used to that phrase} scheduled his first client last week as an interning marriage and family therapist.  all that growing up in our house simply had to end. and be celebrated.

so, naturally taylor and i gathered all our furniture and blankets in one room {not to mention clothespins and hair ties} to build a fort.  it's basically the coolest fort in existence, complete with a queen-sized mattress, a television, a scrabble table, electricity, and tunnels to the bathroom and kitchen.

you can't move from the front door to any part of our student-sized apartment.  and today that could have been potentially hazardous.

the fort has been in place for several days now, and this morning we decided that to better move around our apartment, we'd better take down the tunnels.  which leaves the coolest part of the fort installed.

backing up slightly, a vital piece of this story starts weeks ago, when our shower rod started violently plummeting to the floor every other time we'd shower. or so.  this last saturday, we decided this had to be fixed. and quick.  so, saturday afternoon we marched down to the front office of good old apartment complex I.R. and put in a work order.

this morning, a man came to fulfill that order.  i thanked my lucky stars we'd uninstalled the tunnels not an hour before.

the really funny thing is, i don't think he even noticed the massive tent-like fort of blankets, chairs, lacrosse sticks, and mattress.  the short man moved so fast you could barely see him and without so much as an odd glance at our fortress monstrosity, he came, fixed the violent shower curtain, and left.

and from now on, i will not be afraid to show the repairman that we are a fort-building companionship.

although, i will keep the walk-ways clear every time we put in a work order.

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