Friday, August 17

foreigner in the lone star state

you're not from here, are you?

again, today i was asked that question. it comes up so much, i almost want to carry a sign with me that says no, i'm not texan. today, she thought i was from wisconsin.  when i told her it was utah, she replied well, i knew it was somewhere north!

texans have a funny habit of pointing out people who are clearly not native. and to a texan, a non-native is anyone without their drawl or slang. it surprised me today because i really couldn't tell a difference between the way i was speaking and the way she was.  but she was texan. and thus to her, the difference was absolutely obvious.

i'd like to come home with a pair of boots, but i can do without the accent.  people here say it takes about two years to pick it up, but when i was working at red mango, i said y'all.  i'll admit it. i was around so many old farmers coming in for coffee that it just rubbed off.  luckily, that's been gone again for some months. secretly, i have a fear of leaving this place in a year and saying y'all and other such texanities (like profanities... get it??) for the rest of my life. like an incurable disease that's not quite terminal. but if i'm being a good student of anxiety-reduction techniques i realize that i could just go to speech therapy the rest of my life and that might help me change or accept the texan that seeped into my blood.

hypothetical. i reeked north to these people, it seems.

the point is. it's funny that they recognize it so quickly.  all it takes is a few sentences and they instantly know i'm a foreigner and have been in these parts less than two years. like a sixth-sense natural to texas blood.

i was also informed today that after moving to texas, there is a 30 day period in which you must register your car in the state and a 90 day period wherein you are required to obtain a texas driver's licence. and surrender your old one.  that's right.  they take your old driver's licence.  seeing as i've been here more than 6 months now and i haven't done either of these things, i probably ought to.  but.... i just happen to really really  like my current driver's licence. the picture is great (which is big, considering how often i say that about a picture of myself). not only that, it doesn't expire for years and years! and it's from utah. which makes it better than one i'd get here by far. also, if i get a new driver's licence now i'll pay a fee, then when i change my name i'll probably have to pay another fee for a new one. not to mention the cost of registering my car here...which may or may not mean i'll have to switch insurance providers.  all for one more year? really?

a very large and significant part of me wants to ignore those requirements altogether.  the only problem then is the panic attack i might have every single time a policeman pulls out behind me.


maybe i could get away with it? ....maybe?

Thursday, August 16

remembering january

getting ready to drive through zion to grab a bite to eat. january 2012.

the texas heat has me wishing it was winter and i was back in zion.  gah, what i wouldn't give for a little snow right now! autumn better be around the corner or i might shrivel up down here.