Saturday, February 16

Satuday Spontaneity

Happy Saturday! I read today that what you do on a Saturday afternoon is the best judge of what your passions are - that being what you do in your spare time. Today (after work), I've taken a little nap, spent a bit figuring out how to wear a new shirt I bought, played the violin, called a friend, and written this little post! Now, I'm about to go on a run and find something spectacular to snack on afterward. I guess that means I have a lot of passion...? Especially since my last Saturday afternoon looked much, much different....

Anyway, new hair as of the beginning of the week! I debated for quite a while whether I was growing out or going short again (the dilemma of my life), but the fauxhawk made a comeback. Eventually, it'd be really cool to have hair down to my shoulders again. Someday. Ha :)

So Project Declutter is coming along. Now that the clothes are all taken to Goodwill, I'm feeling the buzz and ready to move on to the rest of the apartment. Hopefully the remainder of the weekend proves productive. For the rest of the night, I'm off to Stake Conference, then to sushi! I'm not expecting anything much since we're staying here in land-locked little Abilene and going to their only Japanese Steakhouse, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! Here's to hoping so...

Friday, February 15

love day

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'd like to play the LOVE game again! Finding things to love is good for the soul. It teaches my heart to be open and my mind to bring everything back to love. Basically, the love game was for yesterday, but since I'm celebrating all weekend (no, really i am) I figured this was still appropriate. And... when is it not? :)

1. I love sausage and kale for breakfast (with a leftover scone, of course). So yummy! A perfect start to the day.
2. I love having a job where I can read anything I want. Pleasure reading is just as good as I thought it would be back when I had a stack of textbooks next to my bed.
3. I love my fauxhawk. Today it makes me feel like I'm a blue jay.
4. I love knowing there are packages headed my way. I forget all about the mail for weeks sometimes, but when I know something's coming, the anticipation has me thinking of my mailbox every time i come home.
5. I love the kind man who came into work this morning. When people are uncommonly friendly and cooperative, it just makes my day.
6. I love Valentine's Day! I know it just seems overrated to a lot of people, but I love to celebrate love of every kind - love for my family, love for food, love for chocolate and the earth and the birds and love for God. Love makes the world go round and setting aside a day to celebrate that fact is a brilliant idea in my book.
7. I love days I get off work in the early afternoon. It's really wonderful to come home in time to make dinner, exercise and still have time left over for a few projects.
8. Lately, I love a good afternoon run. Typically I think of myself as a morning exerciser, but after some thought I realized that probably a majority of my workouts happen between noon and 3:30 pm. I guess once winter sets in, I can't help but go out in the sunshine when I have the chance!
9. I love having things to donate to Goodwill. I'm so blessed to have an excess in my life, rather than a lack.
10. I love the beginning of the weekend! This weekend, I'm definitely looking forward to some time around my house and outside in the warm(ing up...) weather.

Happy Week of Love!

Wednesday, February 13

sunrise in my heart

I am grateful for the sunrise.

Sometimes when I get too deep, I start to think about how the earth is just one big symbolic cycle going round and round from days to seasons and back again to the beginning. I think there's a reason for all that - all the changing, the growth, the dying, and rebirth of another day, another season, another cycle. I don't really think we know the reasons, just the comfort of reality and repetition: the sun rises again, winter doesn't last forever.

The sun rises again.

Yesterday, I was grateful the day was over. The end found me dissatisfied and in want of a restart button. So I went to bed, closed my eyes, and waited for the natural restart to take place. The sun came up, and I barely noticed. Sometimes it's mornings that find me late for work when I appreciate a touch of pink left in the sky more than ever.

A beginning as large as the rise of the sun - the being that gives our entire world the gift of sight - can have a stilling affect on the earth. It's a rapid change, a push forward unlike any other. Whether we want it or not, a new day comes. As it does, the whole world seems to pause, to wait. The birds throw their rejoicing to any ear willing to listen, the sky catches fire and reflects in all the ponds and rivers and oceans in the world. And, if we take the invitation, we stand still. We reflect. We watch, wait, and wake up to the wonder of our existence a little more than we had before. It's a conundrum that a push forward like the rising of the sun can have the power to still the world - make it reflect.

My mother told me about a woman she knew once who never missed a sunrise. There are too few in a lifetime, she thought, to miss even one. This idea rolls around in my mind lately, pressing me to take the time to let the sunrise be a part of my life. Or, to let the sunrise be a part of my life more than it is when I catch its tail-end going only-five-over-the-speed-limit on my way to work. I'd like to live that principle: never miss a sunrise. I'd like to live that principle, in a more literal way than simply always being up before the sun. 

On mornings when I wake up late, when I eat as I'm driving to work, on mornings when I open my eyes and see the alarm clock instead of the rays pouring through the blinds, when I don't open the windows to hear how happy the birds are that it's light again, on mornings when I only realize it's already light as I open my door to leave for work, those are the mornings I miss the sunrise in a very, very real way.

On mornings when I wake to that jazzy cellphone alarm and stretch and smile in the sunlight I can see through the blinds, on mornings when I take off my sunglasses on my way to work so I can soak up every last drop of yellow-orange and pink in the sky in front of me, when I pull the blinds back before eating breakfast to watch the birds wake up and start to sing, on mornings when I think to say a silent prayer of gratitude that the sun came up again today, and on mornings when the sun rises in my heart with the same power it rises on the world, those are the mornings that I don't miss the sunrise.

I'd like to have many, many more of those mornings, catching the happiness of morning birdsong and carrying it with me all through the day.

Oh, how I am grateful for the sunrise.

Monday, February 11

birding #1

we are adventuring! 

at the beginning of the year, we decided that last year we sat around more than we'd like. it was great to have a good amount of time to just sit and chat, cook together and read books indoors. and there's more both of us want to do with our free time.

i have a good long list going of projects.

together, we decided it was high time we started documenting more of our adventures. more pictures! more spontaneity. more... fun.

so, last sunday we went on our first official birding adventure:

Phantom Fort Hill Lake

it was 30 degrees. in texas language, basically that might as well be -30 degrees.

all those white specs way out there are American White Pelicans. they are HUGE. and beautiful! we saw a little flock of thirteen.

they look a lot better through binoculars! :)

these are our gull friends.  they tolerated us and stayed pretty close - all the others we had to keep a pretty good distance from or they took off!

this was an absolutely beautiful morning. the sunrise was pink and orange coming up over our backs on the lake. we saw five Great Blue Herons, thirteen American White Pelicans, a ton of Ring-billed Gulls and one California Gull. one funky little Black-necked Stilt (with long bright red legs!), some little Gadwall clans, and a few we haven't identified yet.

i'm glad it's warming up because there are definitely more of these outings in the near future!