Tuesday, May 18


random fact about me: i am in a constant love affair with sticky notes.  especially witty ones like these.  this started while i was working at a fabulous little shop called "grun," owned by the brilliant graphic designer (among other things) rachel ramsay.  ever since, i collect witty, random, funny, informative, and beautiful (although sometimes not sooo useful) paper products.  yum. sticky notes are my favorite.

above is today's featured sticky note.  now it's your turn. have suggestions??

go ahead.

suggest something you'd like me to write about.  suggest i read a book you've been loving lately.  suggest a great recipe for the world to see.  it's your suggestion.
and look at the rest of knock knock's great paper products by clicking on "these"... above.  have a laugh, to you from me.


  1. my suggestions to you:
    read the Screwtape Letters.
    bring your cupcake cookbook home with you so we can make cupcakes :)
    hug the next tree you walk past, it will make you happy ;)

  2. I suggest that you: blow bubbles, zumba, and eat snap peas.
    love you!

  3. You could tell about your quest to learn weight training and why in the world you would need that!

  4. yes, yes, and yes! :) to all of the above, these are definite to-do items!
