Wednesday, March 9

nut butter fail + thoughts on my new electronic addition

fun plans tonight!  a few girls from high school/home ward are coming over for a collaborative taco night.  it will probably become the new tradition.  we all used to go out to dinner together once a month{ish}, but now ironically, we don't have quite the money we used to.

today, i was really craving nut butter.  but not just any nut butter.  i wanted something decadent, something extra creamy, something chocolate.

even though i was pretty much extremely hungry by the time i walked home from class (really, two-thirty lunch was never my thing), i decided that this nut butter had to happen.  sometimes, you just have to have some chocolate nut butter, right?  well... okay, i do! :)

i dropped my backpack on the ground and promptly gathered all my ingredients.  half almond, half pecan.  that's right, this was going to be deluxe.  sadly, i forgot one small detail.  my food processor valiantly takes on all the frozen bananas i throw at it.  most of time, it chokes through the nuts and dates till i can make them into balls for "cookies".  but i'd never tried to turn nuts to butter in this mini appliance before.

at first, i thought it was going to work!  it whirred {too loudly, as usual}.  after one minute, though, i'd given it all it could take.  so, relunctantly (but i'm sure to the relief of my neighbors), i gave up.

today, decadent chocolate pecan-almond butter = bitter nutty crumble.

it was okay on my chocolate peanut butter oatmeal though.  {but that's another story... can you say addicted??}

so, transitioning from my mini food processor fail to my new computer {still nameless}.

last post was a bit of a rant.  complete incomprehension of electronic devices does that to me, i guess.  really, truly, i am so darn thankful to have a computer again.  the week i went without was just. . .off.  i don't like to admit it, but i felt pretty disconnected.  lately, blogging is the main creative outlet in my life {other than food adventures every so often that do come out okay}.

so.  i'm happy to be back.  happy to have this little computer!

and i'm sure eventually, it will learn to behave itself and {in time} will also earn the privilege of being named.

i'm off to eat some bitter nut crumble!
{and prep the kitchen for the party.}

all of you that can, go eat some nut butter for me, will ya? :)


  1. Girl, just get some nutella. Perfect chocolate nut goodness. :)

  2. Or, if you're looking for a more natural option than Nutella ... Maranatha makes some killer chocolate nut butters :) So yummy!

  3. Mmmmm...chocolate nut butters are the best. I was going to make one tomorrow! When I don't make them at home, Justin's Nut Butters are the best. Especially the chocolate hazelnut. yum.
