Friday, May 14

me: currently

hi there. i'm jessi - the one who writes all this crazy stuff.  i thought it was high time i tell you who i actually am.

i come from a little desert town called ivins with beautiful red mountains, the biggest blue skies on earth, and a best friend across the street.  we had matching names, green eyes, and freckles.  i always wanted my hair to be as red as hers was.  home-schooled and happy, i grew up liking the world best from the top of a cherry tree.

currently, i still live in the top of a tree.  well, basically.  in the summer, the view from my window is a tangle of branches, only letting through the sunlight and a glimpse or two of the white-tipped mountains.  i'm a 20 year old college student, a year away from a bachelor's degree in marriage and family studies, and living what i think is too far away from family.  what am going to do with it?  well, i'm going to help people, i'm going to pay off my student loans, and i'm going to have a family of my own. someday.  although i'm in quite a typical situation for my life stage, i do it in a different way than many.  to keep myself sane and healthy (and keep a chronic illness at bay), i live with a whole foods attitude - strictly vegetarian, lots of raw fruits and veggies, minimal animal products, zero sugar, and heaps of absolutely delicious food.  i love yoga, and i love my sleep!

i believe in creative living.  painting because i feel like it, cooking because i can, studying because i'm hungry to know, sewing because i want to learn how, and loving because it's who i am.

bright colors make me happy.  so do surprises, hikes, little notes, nieces and nephews, beach music, old books, chocolate, letters, bare feet, schedules, spontaneity, triple-digit temperatures, accomplished goals, and amy butler fabric.  

this is me: currently.
and life is a precious little pattern. 


  1. I really try not to be the first to comment, but I must say, if I didn't know you, I would just love to meet you after reading this post. You are a very interesting, unique, eccentric, wonderful, powerful woman!

  2. Are you really jealous of my red hair? I miss you so much! It has been such a long time since we've hung out! As I was reading this it made me think of when we used to write notes to each other in Elvish. Oh how I miss our Lord of the Rings phase. We need to do a Lord of the Rings weekend sometime. ;)

  3. mom, i love your comments!

    jessie - yes!! let's start planning it now! and yes, as long as i've known you, i have ALWAYS wanted to have hair just like yours. fact :) i miss you tons!

  4. I love this!! This describes you perfectly, and it is beautiful-just like you! Love you and miss you Jess!
