august flew by, filled with wonderfulness. sometimes, i don't write because life comes at me too fast to process, live, and write about it at the same time. sometimes i don't write because i'm in the depths of despair. but in august, i didn't write because life got so good it simply demanded my full attention!
the month started with the end of the flourishing families project. it was a whirl, and looking back, it's all slightly blurred. one thing i can say is i was glad to see it go. it was an incredibly defining life experience for me. and {as usual} those are the ones we're happiest to have done be finished with. i'll miss seattle, and i'll always remember the experience. i'll value what i learned this summer. and i was glad to have the experience end.
only a few days after the end of my internship, taylor {formerly known as the musician - he has a good name, so i might as well use it!} came back from adventuring in japan to visit me in seattle! it was a long-awaited reunion, and worth every bit of over three months of waiting. after showing him some of my favorite spots in the emerald city, we drove to central oregon to spend a week with his family. hiking, making fabulous food, pictures and stories and souvenirs from japan, movies at night and games during the day made an amazing week.
after an eighteen hour day of driving, we arrived in ivins - home sweet home. most of the week in ivins was made up of packing and sorting... over the years i've acquired too much stuff, and it was time to condense what i was keeping at my parent's house. besides sitting in a room full of boxes, taylor and i went to a play at tuacahn. they did a great job of making the little mermaid enjoyable to all ages - and up-to date with a new feminist ending. not sure how i felt about it. we also made more than one trip to kneaders, ate at the adobe ice box, and i had my first taste of nelson's frozen custard. it's crazy that i've never been there before! after my first taste, i'm sure i'll be back for more. also, going through all those boxes would have gotten pretty tedious {and probably have taken much less time} if we hadn't had a good supply of movies! we watched mega mind, a knight's tale, tangled, and you again? {which was hilarious and so so strange}.
really, a week home is never enough time to spend with my family, but byu is like a magnet sometimes. i just couldn't stay away from my beloved university. thick on the sarcasm there. really, though. coming back to provo had its good and bad. i was thrilled to see genni and ari and to meet the new addition to our fdl apartment: erika from seattle {go figure}. i was not, however, very happy to take taylor to the airport. the {almost} three weeks we spent together was happier than i even imagined it would be, and saying goodbye is never easy for me. after i stopped crying, i came home, accepted a cream-filled doughnut from genni, and started to unpack - like crazy.
that was a week ago, and i'm almost finished! the first week of school has me realizing i'm going to be digging for motivation this semester.
and also making cupcakes, looking under rocks for work, and reviving some old hobbies.
august was almost unbeatable, but in the words of dr. gibson "now you can take time to recover and enjoy it all!" and i plan to. happy september!
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