Sunday, April 18

scripture of the year

on a particularly difficult night at the beginning of fall semester 2009, natalie came into my room with her scriptures.  i had been crying - again.  why in the world do people move far away from their families? why did i move away from my family??  yes, i was a little bit home-sick at the beginning of fall semester, and facing a more daunting challenge ahead than i had comprehended before the move.  luckily, i was blessed with a sister that knew how strengthen me.  opening her scriptures, she read to me from Mosiah 24:15 (read verses 13 through 15 to get the complete picture):

"And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren [jessica and her sister] were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."

this scripture has been the source of strength that i look to when i start asking myself, "why? why in the world did i move out of the home that i love and away from the best family anyone could ever ask for?"  the answer: because the Lord wanted me to.  and drawing my confidence from this scripture, i know that because i came here, in accordance to the Lord's will for me, he will strengthen me, help me through the hard times, and let me see the joy through the difficulty.  written on a sticky note and tacked to my desk, this has given me comfort, and been my dictating scriptural reference throughout these two semesters.  as life changes a little bit more with the passing of winter semester, i can see that where ever the will of my Heavenly Father takes me, i will be strengthened and supportive by His great and divine love.