over the summer, i created a habit of continual creative outlet; i was always painting walls and shelves, gluing fabric and beads, and ripping magazine photos for inspiration. sadly (but expectedly), after the move the busy-level kicked up too many notches and the creative juices were squished into the back of my mind to slowly start to leak away. however, last night i made a resolution: no matter how busy i become, i simply cannot ignore the pesky little pop-up window on the screen of my mind encouraging me to "make, make, make..." no matter how many times i click the "X" button, the pop up returns. so today, i am fighting back against the busy-ness, giving in the tempting pop-up window, and i am going to make! today was jewelry mostly, accompanied by some music and some food (the one thing that i have absolutely continued to make time to make).so, from the past and the present:
the jessica tree
my deco-mirror, absolutely more exciting in person.
an image can never do a mirror justice.

fabric necklaces, definitely more to come of these.
i'm just warming up.

as cute as a button earrings
after today, i would like to re-think my life, drop out of school, and simply spend all of my time making. however, since making a difference is more important than making food and jewelry, i will have to continue looking forward toward my saturdays - my make-days.