Saturday, November 20

apparently when i ramble, it always ends with a goal! :)

i've been writing too many research papers.  after the fourth or fifth time someone asks you, "how's life??" and ten minutes later you find yourself rambling on about the research articles you're reading, you know it's time to take a little break from the social sciences {for a while}.  i get hyper-focused.  luckily, i realized this early enough in the semester to make some changes.  next semester the cure will take place i hope.  but.  if i start writing poetry in my creative writing class about the social sciences, i hope someone gives me an F - or some other massive wake-up call!  sadly, although i'm home on thanksgiving {break}, my homework level has bumped itself up significantly - which doesn't help my conversational skills this week.  my professors have decided they'd rather be out for christmas a week earlier than planned.  consequently, all my finals (except one) have been moved up a week.  pro: i get an extra week of christmas break! and there's one less to endure of this insane semester. con: all my final papers have to be finished while i'm on thanksgiving break...and all my finals (except one) are on the same day.  eeeek!

final papers are not going to be the death of me this week.  if that happens, it will be death by turkey.  that's right, folks. this year, i am eating turkey.
and finals aren't going to be the death of me, either. if that happens, it'll be the eight inches of snow i get to trudge through to get to finals... before the test, rather than after.
but... let's make the goal that i am not going to die... i like that one.
*first goal of my 21st year: don't die - not because of fourteen page papers, not because of finals, not because of turkey, not because of snow.
in fact... here we go. i like this better!
*first revised goal of my 21st year:  be happy about my fourteen page papers (after all, it really is fascinating research), study my eyes out for finals (the hope is for A's!), eat as much turkey as i want (it's been sooooooo long!), and make more snow men this year than i ever have before.
okay.. maybe not tonight. but...come monday, the papers seriously begin!

by the way, have i said how much i love the holidays?
because i do.
also, it is so good to be home!

happy early thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18

random review, a few lists

okay, it's been a while... {again} so instead of trying to make up for anything, i'm simply going to do one of my favorite things: make a list. and probably include a picture or two.

thanksgiving plans! and plan of attack:
- leave tomorrow (friday) by noon
- create really fabulous driving playlist with all my new favorites from natalie and sabrina (including blind pilot, whom i now love).
- packpackpack tonight.. at some point hopefully.
- buy myself a couple sweaters - or at least long-sleeved shirts. believe me, i NEED winter clothes.
- go running in the morning so i don't get crazy fidgety in the car on the way down to home.

homework level:
- affects sleep level, which is at a monthly low.  fortunately, i've got another night to catch up before driving.
- last assignment before thanksgiving turned in as of 8:30 this morning
- school surprise this morning! both morning classes absolutely canceled. i am sorry my professor is ill, but also very grateful that i could eat breakfast this morning.
- 4 papers to go before the end of the break (big ones)
- two classes to go before the break... i think i can i think i can i think i can i think i can... 

excitement factors:
- i get to see my family tomorrow.
- i get to see my cats tomorrow.
- i get to go shopping in the morning.
- i have a bunch of new exciting music.
- i got to sleep in this morning.
- there are still crunchy red leaves all over provo.
- ivins is going to be significantly warmer than provo.
- all my finals have been moved up - that much closer to the finish line.
- i would have been on time to both of my 8:00 classes this week, had one of them not been canceled - that's progress, i'm telling you!
- i get to read all the books i want to read over the holiday.

the last week{ish}'s events/highlights:
- genni smashing nilla wafers with a hammer
- only one night of less than three hours of sleep
- speaking in church - glad to have done it, glad to have it over with
- listening to lady gaga with sabrina dancing like crazy in the car
- laughing more at comedy sportz, with the whole crew of us here
- one and a half days running this week (and one yoga day) - not hitting quite the mark, but still much better than expected this week
- starting my christmas shopping (that's right, sabrina - you were first!)
- drawing christmas names in my apartment (i have genni!)
- redesigning {slightly} the blog.  i was in desperate need of a change - however subtle.
- olive garden fhe
- a couple of really interesting experiences with crazy boys
- romeo & juliet: anticipated heartache, discovered freedom. allison, you are my favorite.
- really great hearttohearts
- pumpkin chocolate oats and bananas
- pumpkin pie oatmeal
- pad thai
- the emergency room for two hours (it had been a while - luckily, this time i wasn't the one with the bracelet)
- going to bed at 12:00, waking up at 11:30
- going to bed at 3:45, waking up at 6:30
- professor ripping apart my paper
- professor commending my paper
- professor condoning my eye-rolling and acknowledging my honesty in doing so
- helping hailey with math on less than three hours of sleep
- late birthday present from natalie - book by brian doyle! 
- wearing a high-wasted skirt and being happy about it
- finally doing my laundry
- cornbread and toothpaste... then the lack of toothpaste
- cookies from mom
- new potential favorite game: atlantis
- and of course, spit. the game, you know.

what a week! and only one more to go till thanksgiving. november has flown, hasn't it?