last saturday, my internship officially ended. a month ago, i would have given anything to be right here right now. but then the sun came out.
i've been packing, starting to clean, and getting distracted by beautiful seattle all week already. now it comes to it, i'm not so sure i want to leave. i'm realizing all the things i'm going to desperately miss.
like in the early mornings, the man in the gym that doesn't speak any english, but always has a massive smile and loves his grandchildren more than anything in the world.
the misting - there's no such things as sprinkling rain here, i've decided. it doesn't sprinkle, it mists. and sometimes that mist is so mysterious and beautiful.
driving down the 5 today, i realized how much i'll miss driving in seattle, too. now don't get me wrong - driving in seattle can excessively obnoxious. it's prevented me from eating ice cream more than twice this summer. although i'm not sure if that's good or bad. but when you're on the 5 driving south, the view of the city is breath-taking. with the water surrounding it and sailboats blowing on the water... it's a sight burned into my memory that i'd die to come back and experience again someday.
i'd still never live here, if it was my preference. the rain is just too much for me most months. but my families were right - this city sparkles in the sunshine!
at the moment, my room's still a slight disaster area, although i think i'm starting to see sense in my madness. the kitchen's still dirty, and i need to find a way to remove the nails in the wall. but i'm procrastinating. i don't like to pack, and now i don't want to go away quite so quickly, either.
it took a while, but now i really do love seattle.
You're making me want to live in Seattle. I've been looking into Grad school and one of the ones that I'm considering is in Seattle, you might have me convinced to go. We'll see, but you make it sound so nice and pretty ;)