class registration opened for me today, and although nothing will be absolutely finalized for a week or so (and even then, it'll probably change until a day before the semester begins), i'm ecstatic about several of these classes. it is rather funny, though: the schedule is surprisingly reminiscent of my high school class schedule - something i never thought i'd care to repeat. with the art major i've added, i'll have either a painting or drawing class. i've decided to give in to my love of it and take a creative writing class (thus more happiness). i really haven't done much thought-out creative writing for a few years, so i am excessively excited about this one! also, it's a prerequisite for a class natalie is taking this semester, creative non-fiction, that seems fantastic. i'll be taking that one for sure as well. also, call it a guilty pleasure if you will, i'm taking a family finance class. it makes me a little giddy, i'll be honest. all that budgeting stuff, it's just right up my alley. of course, there's the moral foundations of family life course, theories in family perspective, and the high hope of the internship prep class rolling around in the potential mix, too.
one thing's for sure: there's no getting bogged down in five fourteen analytical research papers due on the same day in the same semester again. i was crazy for taking this many 400-level classes at once. crazy, i tell you. but i think it paid off. after all, i never would have broken down enough to add an art minor to begin with if i hadn't gone a little bit crazy.
so here's to crazy.
and a really great class line-up.