thursday. it's always thursday.
i've learned the value of keeping things clean. everything functions better when the dishes are consistently done, the blankets folded, the bed made, the trash picked up, the desk....well, the desk is never what i would call "clean," but typically it's as close to clean as a desk belonging to an artist and a student married with no filing system is going to get.
we keep things fairly tidy around these parts. most days we clean up the meals right after we eat them. most days we tidy things up before we hit the sack so we wake up to a clean(ish) apartment.
and then comes thursday...
thursday seems to be the point at which that all goes out the window. actually, back up. wednesday night i have late meetings and thursday work is always early. thursday is typically a long day for us both and by the time we get home, we realize that we didn't clean up after breakfast on wednesday, lunch tupperware is still on the counter, and we're lucky if left-overs are in the fridge from the previous night. so thursday. thursday's the day when i walk in the door and want to start a revolution against the dishes and blankets and clutter.
can you say throw everything out the window we haven't used in two days?
i can.
luckily, the mess is resolved by friday afternoon (typically). then the weekend starts off on a better note than a hoarder's nest. okay, it's not ever even close to that kind of thing, but you know when it feels that way because you can't remember why you're keeping the box under the desk or the stack of papers on top? (there's a reason...i know it.)
i clean because i deserve to live in a home where my mind can be at peace.
i clean because i love myself enough to let myself relax in a clutter free (don't look in the closet...) apartment.
i clean because i'm worth cleanliness.
in a way, thursday is a good reminder to check my schedule, not to make sure i don't miss the next appointment, but to make sure that i delete at least one appointment. thursday reminds me that unless i want to hire a maid i need to make my home-life a priority (and really, i don't want a maid). this thursday i was reminded that i need to take the time to slow down and refill the birdfeeder! those poor birds - i haven't even paid attention to them for three days.
i'm not one to live for the weekends despite the fact that i adore my days off. but thursday is the reason why we need weekends. and that's the reason today that i am thankful for weekends, early-off days and a cleaning-partner. otherwise, i would run out of dishes really really quickly.
and i suppose the reason to be thankful for periodic relocation is that eventually the darn closet will get sorted out... right? :)
i'm off to get seconds of dinner - the cilantro smell on my hands is just too irresistible!