several times this weekend, i've found myself on the wrong trail. twice, attempted hikes in beautiful provo canyon turned into paranoid wandering on bike trails (just hoping all the unsuspecting bikers were more than a little observant). however, even though i never actually found a hiking trail, enjoying the beauty of early summer and provo canyon was unquestionably worth one almost-bike-wreck and several scrambles off the trail to safety.
all this searching for hiking trails only to wander in circles on bike trails has me thinking about a different kind of trail - a metaphorical one. my life trail. despite feeling rather lost, aimless, and devoid of destination in the mountains, i came back to my snug little number 205 knowing that i was, without a doubt, on the right trail. it's quite the contrast, that aimless hiking and this destination-driven life style i'm living right now. goals are good things, they take the frustration out of the hike, insert each step with purpose.
but i guess we all have to get out and enjoy the scenery with no plan.. every once in a while.
ps. i didn't eat my strawberries fast enough this week. actually, smith's sold me already old strawberries. so. moldy strawberries. sad day.