this weekend is a highlight for me {of the semester entirely}. general conference is one of my favorite holidays. okay, not actually a holiday, but it felt like one this time around. having two full days to soak as much spiritual strength as i can from my leaders is a privilege i treasure. especially now, as i have changes springing at me from all sides, it was more than encouraging. it was restful. rest that i dearly needed {although i hadn't realized it before now}.
i feel rejuvenated. like i have the tools i need to move forward.
there are a few things that have been worrying me lately. the future {immediate and far} is on my mind more than usual, lately. as a woman, i have a strong desire to have a family - someday. i want that family to be my first priority. however, as my bachelor's degree nears it's end {thankfully}, i have a large decision to make. to have a master's, or not to have a master's? i've been the pendulum in that clock for quite some time. i know i could thrive in that situation, that i could love that education and the career it led to with all of myself. but i worry it would distract me from what i really want in this life: to have a family of my own. i know the temptation would grow to replace that with other things. it would become easier to be more self-centered, easier to be only self-reliant, easier to be too. . .independent.
maybe it's a silly worry - i know plenty of women who have gone beyond master's degrees, with and without families who are living their lives in line with principles i value. but then again, i know my weaknesses - some of them. and i worry about putting myself in that situation.
this weekend, i glimpsed a little rest from that worry and those decisions. while hearing inspired messages, i received my own little peace. the thought that i would know what to do. that i can pray and go to the house of the Lord to guide my decisions, peacefully.
i still don't know what to do. i'm not sure exactly the things i should definitely pursue {as more options present themselves}. but i know i'll be guided by my Heavenly Father to the course He would have me walk on. i felt sure {through this weekend} that being in seattle over the summer will be difficult, that it will be more of a test than i've even anticipated, in more ways than i've dreamed about. but i know now that it is what i am to do. i know it's an experience meant to refine me, meant to make me stronger and help guide my future - as uncertain as it seems right now.
i know my Savior loves me and will be there to support me as i face things i'm still afraid of right now. i know He can help me turn that fear into faith - for the two cannot exist in the same space, like light and darkness.
i also know i need to sleep if i'm going to wake up to run in the morning {and yes, that's a need}.
i sat down to write about something almost completely unrelated to all. . .this. but apparently my subconscious had other plans.
tomorrow, i won't be quite as deep! :)
goodnight, world. here's to waking up to spring again!
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