Friday, April 8

a few things i've enjoyed lately. . .

rainy day sleep-ins
polka-dot pajama pants
a clean floor
running with my music up super loud
long talks with my roommates late late late
the color code personality profile
sisters who take my surveys in the middle of the night
brothers-in-law that say the funniest things and give the best advice ever
midnight yoga
my internship girls and their straightforward opinions
back rubs that bring me back to sanity
lunch dates that leave me laughing for hours
pancake dinners right before bed
all things mutual
curly hair + the absence of bangs
peace, after searching and worrying
really big quilts wrapped around me everywhere
hard work paying off {fulton conference second place!}

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes, yes. to all of the above. i haven't taken the color code test in awhile, but i think they should come up with a new color code test. i've taken this one so many times that i don't think it's accurate anymore. new color code test! new color code test!
