Friday, May 27

the ice cream that changed my life, among other things.

of course, the first thing i have to take pictures of is food.  naturally :)

first comes first.  it was a big day for brittany - she'd been home from her mission for one whole year!  because she served spanish speaking, mexican food was on the menu.  however, we were all a little short on energy and patience after our evening interviews... not to mention we were going to eat each other if we didn't get food quick.  so, we decided to take a trip down to the corner taco stand.  great stuff, that.

"now, for the camera, we'll introduce you.  from left to right, this is victoria, brittany, and jessica."  - direct quote from the flourishing families interview script. 

brittany on {okay, two days after} her big day.

next, pictures of something that really did change my life.  molly moon's.  one the best things i've ever put in my mouth.  really, seriously, it's just that darn good.  i don't even eat sugar, and this is good enough i'd be willing to make a once-a-week exception to the rule for the summer.  

really, it's that good.

brittany, victoria, and me - happy lil' roommates. 

brooke and liz - two of the coolest gals ever. 

brooke, thoroughly enjoying her double-scoop waffle cone of sasquatch and salted caramel.

me, simply falling even deeper in love with this glorious substance.  double-scoop waffle cone of sasquatch and honey lavender.  {ps. the sasquatch is one of the best things ever invented - theo chocolate with caramel, chocolate, and granola.}

victoria and brittany - feeding each other like the loving roommates they are. 

liz and victoria - both bowls gone - one of the most satisfying and disappointing feelings one could have.

more, please? :)


  1. Oh, ice cream, how much I love you. hah. Looks like you girls had a great time. :)

  2. honey lavender? holy cow! I can't wait to eat THAT! I'm so excited that you've actually started to post pictures! yay batteries!
