Tuesday, October 6

celebrations of autumn

this september brought the autumn equinox, ushering out the summer heat of st. george (which never quite hit provo).  nevertheless, there was still a celebration, complete with autumn soup, pumpkin biscuits with orange honey-butter, and an impressive line up of deluxe caramel apples.  this year, things were a little more spread out than usual.  sadly, dinner and dessert were separated from tuesday to friday (the plus side being an entire week of soup and celebrations!).  dessert night started out with wrappers and bags...

...and ended with a chocolate coated sugar rush.

in st. george, we're used to several more weeks of short-sleeved, air-conditioned weather.  in the north, however, mother nature apparently values punctuality.  a week after our celebrations came to a close, the snow blew across the mountains (luckily, not any lower than the tops of our heads).  flip-flops were put on the top shelf and sweaters came out of the boxes.  fortunately, we still had autumn soup left-overs to warm us after the shock the first day of the cold front provided.

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