it's storming again in texas. the last two days it's been all thunder, lightning and humidity, and tonight it's still a steady pitter-patter and pounding. despite the rain, the moths still flop around trying to find a dry patch of air and the monster-crickets still chirp on. sadly, the storms can't even control the bugs.
it's been a day. a long day where at the end i'm grateful i can sit on my couch, eat a peanut butter cookie and watch the downpour from the safety of a second-story apartment and a sliding-glass door.
this morning i interviewed for a job (first, driving with taylor to an appointment so i could take the car). he helped talk me through some questions - which has become fairly standard before interviews these days. it helps. by the time he jumps out of the car and wishes me luck, i feel confident, competent and somewhat calm. a great run this morning added to feeling all-around pretty great. as i walked up to the interviewing office, i could see that the interview before me was still in progress. over the next ten minutes of waiting my turn, my hope for this job diminished slowly. typically, there will always be someone with ten years more experience, or someone willing to take lower pay and work more hours. there will usually be others more qualified and less qualified than me.
so as i tried not to overhear the woman before me boast of her ten years of secretarial and management experience, my little hope for being one of the most qualified slipped to ground and rolled away, leaving me with nothing but the firm resolve that i have something to offer - many things to offer and many things i can be very good at.
as my turn came, i walked into the office with a straight back and laid my strengths out for examination. i left feeling competent, with little hope of being called back. i can honestly say that i've never been less nervous for an interview. apparently when i can actually see and hear in front of me that my chances are slim my nerves vanish and leave me with nothing but courage to do what needs to be done and surrender for the things i can't control. it's a peaceful place to be, even if it's not making us any money.
after the interview we drove to the mall and picked up a few applications for lower-paying and more likely employment. a girls' clothing store, a maternity clothing store... and back i'll go tomorrow to turn them in for review.
and tonight, i'm sitting on the couch making a grocery list and eating a peanut butter cookie. i love texas storms. i love texas storms. i love texas storms. and i'm competent. and i'm good at many things.
Yes, you are. :)
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