lately, i'm the kind of person who wakes up on time. i'm the kind of person who showers every morning, and most afternoons after hitting the gym after work. i'm the kind of woman who makes two loaves of homemade bread every other week and reads her scriptures every day. i'm the person who still speeds five-over even though everyone else in texas is driving five-under. the last few months, i've been the kind of person who thinks i'm sleep deprived when i get six hours of sleep for three days in a row {and then i have to remind myself what i did all through college...}.
i'm the girl who makes her husband dinner most nights, but still complains that i'm too tired some days, too.
i'm the person who has enough self control to go a whole three days without sugar. and the girl who lets herself have a treat every few days.
i'm the wife that makes my husband stop the car in the middle of the road late at night so that i can roll down my window and whisper here, kitty kitty to the little stray across the sidewalk.
i'm the girl that puts on makeup five out of seven days and washes my face every single night.
i'm the roommate who hasn't put away her clothes for the past two weeks and makes a new commitment every day to respect the mutual spaces.
i'm the coworker who no longer forgets her tips {and thus no longer gives her tips to the girls working she does}.
i'm the artist who has picked up a sketchbook once in the last three years {practically}, but keeps it on the table in case an open hour inserts itself into my day.
i'm the girl who's in dire need of a haircut, a good sun-nap, and could use a good beach-body work out.
i'm the girl who prays a lot lately, makes other people their coffee, tries not to resent her boss, and remembers to say i love you often.
the one who sleeps in when she gets the chance.
reads in binges.
longs for a dog and eats bananas obsessively.
i'm the girl who looks back at her facebook pictures and wonders how in the world she's changed that much in just about every way imaginable in such a short time. and yet, i'm still the girl who gets frustrated every few days that nothing seems to be changing.
but tonight i realize that when i feel that frustration, i can just let it go.
like i would in yoga.
because although change is imperceptible in the moment, looking back on days and weeks and months and years, nothing ever stays the same for very long.
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