if there's one thing i love about abilene texas, it's the birds. i haven't looked up anything about this yet, but i plan to learn more about all the crazy birds here. it's winter everywhere else, so i assume all the birds are just here for the warm weather that never goes away. once it's 115 degrees with 80 percent humidity, i expect them to leave. so just in case my theory is correct, i'm soaking up all the bird-watching i can get in. and that basically means, i keep my eyes peeled while running in the morning so i don't get dropped on. this morning alone, i saw a blue heron, a seagull {where the heck is the water??}, a massive flock of black birds/crows, a tiny group of little friend finches, two bluebirds, a group of pigeons, and a bunch of other nameless little beauties that are multicolored and shimmery. it's incredible, i'm telling you. sometimes at night, i feel like i'm in the alfred hitchock movie "the birds" {which i've yet to see - going to wait winter out before i do}. they fly so thickly that parts of the sky go black, in big v-shapes and massive swarms. i'm never seen so many birds in one place.
also, i did not take this picture, but it is exactly what i saw. the crazy animal was probably three feet tall. incredible, right?
on another note, already this morning, i've had a hard time forgiving my body for not being perfect. and yet, i went on a run, am already dressed, and have already eaten breakfast and am mid-snack. also, i'm a naked face today - in preparation to take the naked face challenge, i'm going bare-faced every few days. my hair still gets crazy without a blow-dryer, but man it's nice not to take the time to do my hair and makeup {not to mention, it can't be bad for my mental health to have a little less mirror time lately.}
also, mom mailed us our wedding cake two days ago, which means i might be chomping on some of that goodness for an early dessert. yup, that sounds like it might hit the spot.
two mile run today, and it's hard not to feel like wimp for doing less than three. but hey! i ran. and sometimes that's a big step. also, my legs are pretty sore, so i've gotta be doing something!
happy leap year day everybody!! in conjunction, it's my dream to have a baby on february 29th. how awesome would it be to have a secret birthday that only REALLY came around every four years?? pretty cool, i think.
have a happy day!
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