sometimes, you're body just says, "enough is enough! go to your room for a week!" and while i wouldn't really listen to anyone else telling me that, when my body does. . . i kind of have to listen.
i've been sick {in bed} since getting back from ivins on monday night. a couple of my sisters were feeling a little under the weather while i was there, and my niece and nephew had been sick. but really, it was nothing big to worry about - just a mild sore throat that stuck around or a 24 hour flu.
so, really, who knows what i caught?
i can tell you it's nothing fun. last night as i was taking out my contacts, i couldn't remember which eye was my right eye and i decided i really was sick of being sick and tired. just done with it. however, i'm also determined not to confine myself to my room again. the tower of tissues next to my bed isn't great company. so i let myself sleep again this morning, but i'm going to finally unpack today. do a few small things around the house... take lots of naps if i get tired. make myself green smoothies, down emergenC like sick fish, and keep some zinc drops on hand.
being sick does have a few benefits:
instead of being in class, i was helping erika choose a duvet cover and came across the most incredible anthropologie sale i've ever seen. yes, i'll be stalking the ups man.
i finally started the book total money makeover by dave ramsey and i fully expect it to help me change my financial life.
aaaand... yeah, those are the only benefits i can think of.
i'm going to try not to think about how much homework i have to makeup, and i'm going to venture out of my room a little bit {which is big, for this week}.
here's to green smoothies and cough drops. i'll be blogging sneeze-free soon.
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