day seven.
task: write a post to encourage another beautiful woman.
as usual, i can't choose just one. i'm surrounded by so many beautiful, strong women - and really, we all need encouragement sometimes, don't we? i feel like this entry has the potential to take over my whole blog! but no worries. i'll control myself.
my dear sabrina danielle,
sometimes life likes to take us on a roller-coaster ride - even if we didn't pay for a ticket. and sometimes {albeit less frequently}, the sky decides to drop a tornado on us at the same time. but there are two important things to consider: science has shown that tornadoes can't last very long, and the longest roller-coaster in the world is only four minutes. {which, granted, is a looong time for a roller-coaster, but stay with me.} really, after a roller-coaster ride and a tornado, you might have crazy bad hair and a sore back for a couple days... but after that, think of the stories you could tell! you know that everything happens for a reason, that each person we meet brings something to our lives that we need. God knows what we need and when we need it. always remember that i'm here for you no matter what - that you can come to me with anything and everything and i'll always love you! you can do anything - one day at a time and with the help of all those who love you {which is a lot in case you were wondering ;)}.
all my love to you - cookies and ice cream and taxi services included.
love your jessi :)
You are sweet. Wonderful. And I want to bite you:)