7:50 tuesday morning, and in a rush again. i think it's probably a miracle that i haven't hit any frantic students crossing the street as i drive to the bottom of the stairs of death each tuesday and thursday morning, still half asleep. this morning, in particular, i was more asleep than usual. most of campus seemed to be suffering the same syndrome because there were markedly more late students speed-walking their legs off up the street.
two blocks from my apartment, i saw an unusual thing. leaning against the steering wheel for a better vantage point into the cross-streets, i glanced out my side-view window. blonde, tall, and weighed down with his stack of books, stuffed backpack, and lunchbox, a boy was walking further in the street than the crowd. his arm extended, his thumb sticking up in the air. i normally would have thought he was simply giving the oncoming traffic a thumbs-up: "this is going to be a great day, folks! way to drive to class this morning like champs!" but the pleading and rather desperate look on his face suggested that he was thinking entirely opposite thoughts.
stopped at the stop sign (they are on every corner from 103 up to campus), i waved him over to my car. he ran around the side of my little green punky (yes, my car has name), opened the door and jumped into the passenger's seat with an enthusiastic, "you saved me life!" all i could do was laugh and ask him which direction he was headed. luckily, it was in the same direction as me - mostly. preoccupied (he was doing about twenty different things with his phone at the same time), he explained that he was headed to the business building. fitting, for an attractive blonde with a phone addiction.
he jumped out of my car before i had time to put the gear shift into park yelling a quick "thank you!" as he jogged away with his slipping stack of books.
i was laughing so much - at him and at myself for the silliness of actually stopping - that i forgot my breakfast and went hungry until lunch time. no worries, the peach was safe in my car at the end of the day, waiting for me.
byu is a strange place, sometimes. just when you think you've seen it all, the strangest things happen. have you ever seen (or even heard of) a student hitchhiking four blocks to school before? i certainly hadn't. but i'll definitely remember that next time i'm late for class and without a car, the universe owes me ride!
ps. two exciting developements in my week: possible job offer (wow!) and a meeting with an art professor to review my knowledge of basic concepts and determine the amount of credits i deserve to start with (eek!)
good day! but... strange! maybe if he hitchhikes again he'll put my number in that consuming phone of his?
hahaha that just made my day!! I love it! absolutely halairous!!