the last week or so time has completely gotten away from me. i feel as though i'd been snatched up, held still above life below me. but while i was enjoying the view the tornado hit, spinning people and places around, scrambling things like a spatula. when my feet touched down again, i wasn't quite sure that this was where i'd left off. changes happen quickly, sometimes i guess. rambling: there i go, again.
really, what's being muddled in the typing process is that i've been absent, again. not absent minded, more absent for the sake of sanity. when all those people and places start to spin faster than i can keep track of and the changes rapid-fire, when i feel like i can't quite keep up with all that spinning, i'm afraid i close off a little. unintentionally. but, as i said, people and places have indeed been spinning, changes aiming, and i went absent. i gave myself a little time to process, to deal, to center myself and realign some positive energy.
i'm back - back to myself and back to this beautiful world below.
my younger sister went on my morning run with me today, and it was exhilarating. running with new people always lends a different perspective. i use my runs to appreciate life, as a calm before the stormingly busy days. hailey was a hysterical running partner, and i loved every minute! it was cooler, this morning, and i love that. her lively energy, continual positive talk, encouragement, and just downright good energy was exactly what i needed this morning on my run (not to mention her impersonations, try laughing while running up a killer incline!).
i love life - shouldn't we all? that's what i remembered this morning. so, i'm back. and i'll admit, this was more of an exercise to simply get myself writing again after two breaks. but i think i arrived somewhere, which is exciting for having no expectations when i began. even if it doesn't quite make sense with the words i used, it was an accomplishment. i started at nowhere, and ended up at appreciation. that's a big step, isn't it?
appreciate life this week, it truly is a precious gift.
Glad you had a good run!