Wednesday, March 31

completely greeeen salad

a couple days ago, i had the most beautiful salad - honestly, i want to re-create it again and again every day for the next three weeks.  it was an accident, actually.  without any forethought i had started combining all the ingredients in the fridge that needed to be used first and most, and i ended up with the best salad combination i've had.  this is what came out:

a large plate filled with spinach
topped with steamed broccoli, brussels sprouts, and asparagus
diced yellow onion and cucumber
drizzled with a mixture of lemon juice, basil, salt, pepper, and fresh garlic
simply divine.

next time i think i want to add artichoke hearts and avocado slices, keeping with the green theme.  the light lemon and garlic dressing was perfect over the steamed veggies, and the contrast between the warm broccoli, brussels sprouts, and asparagus and the cool cucumber and onion was delicious.  definitely a keeper! i wish i had taken a picture. besides being a love fest on my tongue, it was also quite the sight, covering the full spectrum of the color green.  expect one next week when i can't stand the craving any longer!

1 comment:

  1. it was really, really great. and I might add, the artichoke hearts and avocados were my idea :)
