Wednesday, January 27


january has been a month unusually full of difficult situations.  now, in the last week, i have realized the abundance of resources i've been blessed with throughout.  i think most of us (like me) have the tendency for complete obliviousness to the simple blessings of everyday life in the midst of an unwanted experience.  i'd like to overcome that tendency someday, to bring more grace and composure to the way i handle the situation when an unexpected color is thrown onto my canvas.  i'd like to be able to recognize the beauty of all the colors together more quickly.  in the words of nancy (one of the most influential women in my life), "you know you can eat this week, you have a place to go when it rains, you have clothes on your back, and now you have new experience, too!" because that's what this is all about: experiences.  after all, at the end of the month i find myself only thankful, in a simple way.

i am thankful for my bed and pillows, and especially for the rice pack that warms them up at night.
i am thankful that i have boots this week, so my feet don't freeze in the snow.
i am thankful for chocolate peanut butter balls.
i am thankful for thank you notes when they are truly sincere.
i am thankful (most of all) for my sisters, both related and not, who will cry with me, hold me when i need someone close, laugh at the smeared make-up on my face, make sure i eat well and sleep enough, and send me support from miles away.
i am thankful for toothpaste and soap.
i am thankful for sleepy time tea.
i am thankful (most of all) for a father and mother who know the importance of a hug and a seven hour drive.
i am thankful (most of all) for blessings and instruction.
i am thankful for puppies and cupcakes.
i am thankful.
and i am thankful that thankful is all i need to be.


  1. I am thankful for you...because you've taught me that sometimes not everything can get done and that is A.O.K. I love you very much.

    Sabrina Danielle
