Friday, September 4

not all chocolate is created equal

I had a little thought. There are many different qualities of chocolate. The better the quality, the better the taste, the better the satisfaction. For the sake of a metaphor, I want to say a few things about a Hershey's chocolate bar, and compare it to the ideal piece of chocolate. An old, rather stale bar of Hershey's chocolate crunches around in your mouth with a very limited amount of pleasure. Only after long periods of coco derivation does this kind of chocolate satisfy any kind of craving. Now imagine the ideal square of chocolate, soft enough that it starts to melt in your hand before it ever touches your lips. Dark, rich, and creamy enough it demands complete attention until every last little drip is licked off every single finger.

I had a very large, rather overwhelming realization yesterday. Like a slap in the face that takes the wind out of you, I realized how much I don't know. It was as if someone had screamed an inch away from my face, "WAKE UP, DUMMY! YOU HAVE TO LEARN!" Instead of being frightened and intimidated (the emotions I would expect to accompany such a reality check), I was absolutely exhilarated, almost like the feeling you get at the moment the rollarcoaster starts the decent of the first massive hill. It took my breath away, that way. Before now, I have only ridden the small rollarcoasters, the ones with no loops, only an occasional, very short whooshing drop. This week, I sat down in the seat of The Big Rollarcoaster, and I have realized that I love rollarcoasters. I crave them, in fact. I have been eating Hershey's chocolate until now, and this week I tasted quality chocolate. I have only taken the first, small testing nibble of the darkest, most luxurious chocolate bar on Earth, only ridden to the top of the first big hill. This is just the beginning.


  1. Oh, yes, I see... And how often we settle for Hershey's when there is something really great out there, like Endangered Species Bat Bars, but we have no idea they exist, day...someone gives us a little taste, and we will never go back!!!! I'm so glad you are having your eyes opened to the world's possibilities in such a great place! Love, Mom

  2. haha yummmm..... I like GOOD chocolate ;)

  3. Now I have to know what kind of chocolate it was that gave you such an eye opening experience. I have to say some of the best chocolate is Amber Lyn Chocolates ;-P but I'm willing to find something even better than that, so please let us know what this amazing chocolate is!
