Wednesday, July 31

the LOVE game

1. I love good hair days and funky hair cuts.
2. I love fast and strong 4 mile runs.
3. I love waking up to the sky already turning light. It feels natural to open my eyes when the sun does.
4. I love lazy evenings with time to read novels and learn to knit.
5. I love gazpacho in the summertime (with homemade bread).
6. I love Jack Johnson and Ingrid Michaelson. Still. Always!
7. I love finding feathers while I'm around town or outside adventuring. BIG black ones and little cotton-ball-white ones.
8. I love unplanned vacations and taking a little time to relax...and a few days to sleep in past sunrise.
9. I love American Avocets and aggravated Blue Jays.
10. I love making trips to Goodwill to clear our house of all the unnecessary stuff!

Wednesday, June 26

Creativity, Come Back

I've been in a writing drought, lately. Taylor's told me that for some, the key to consistent writing is consistent think time, and I think perhaps this was why blogging was so satisfying to me in the beginning. I started consistently blogging after moving to Provo and starting school. Built into my life there was a 25 minute solitary walk home. By the time I was walking home, most of the day's cares were behind me. Homework could wait, I was walking home to relax for a bit and get a snack. So I wasn't in a hurry. I was alone with my thoughts and the beautiful Provo streets and trees and sunshine...or snow. I didn't listen to music because I liked to take that time to think. The majority of my writing happened immediately after I walked in my door. I remember many days with my boots and coat still on, backpack slumped by my bed, as I satisfied the urge to write. I think the need to write because I had very consistent time to think (in an inspiring setting, with no hurry and nothing in particular to occupy my mind).

So it's been harder to write lately. Not because I don't want to write, and not because I don't have time to write. And really, it's not because I don't think or don't have time to think... I think it's probably more difficult because there isn't any consistency to my inspiring think time. Work (although quiet) is rarely good think time OR good writing time. The drive home from work is often glorious think time, but so often I go from work to the gym or to pick up Taylor or to some other scheduled activity. There isn't usually a lot of blank space directly after my drive home.

And I'm thinking of forcing some blank time following think time. Because it's good for the soul. My soul dearly misses the drive to write. It's one of those things that makes me feel truly taken care of. When I have that precious no-deadlines/appointments/meetings alone time to sit and write (with a spoonful of peanut butter and bag of chocolate chips), THAT is relaxation. That is...bliss. Really, anything that stirs my creativity that way is worth fighting for, and lately there's been a large lack of that in my life. Creativity is worth keeping, so I'm brainstorming ways to get that drive back. Really... in any form.

Thursday, June 13

I am.

{practices of creative self image}

I am.
I am a summer peach. juicy, perfectly ripe. I explode with flavor.
I am the long trail around the pond, the summer sunrise shimmers my surface.
I am the daughter of spontaneity, the wife of peace, the bearer of passion.
I am the heartbeat's throb after the fastest you've ever run
I am the purple gel pen.
I am the loudest blue jay's alarm call,
the brightest firework's smoldering flakes of falling yellow.
I am the fingertips of King Midas.
I am the heat wave hitting you as you fling the door open in mid August.
I am your broken snooze button.
I am the pacing jaguar behind the glass,
the squirrel's frenzied leap from branch to branch.
I am Intensity. I am Drive.
I am the power to Do.
I am.

Monday, May 6

life lately

lately life is grackles and pigeons, that is to say commonplace. life is finding time to budget and evaluating our needs three times to whittle the total to a more and more...and more reasonable number. although really, i don't think a reasonable number exists on a month when tuition is due. but really, this is the last time. really. thus, life is hoarding coupons for an oil change and tire rotation.

lately life is colored pens and long, long lists. only half of the items are crossed off. it's a messy desk and hard-water-stained sink (yet to buy more kitchen cleaner). it's long sighs when the lights are finally out and staring in the fridge for ten minutes before i even have an idea of what might be for dinner. it's a drizzling sky and harsh wind and hair burnt with the straightening iron.

lately, life is perpetually looking forward to an evening off in the sunshine or spent watching an episode of psyche. it's living for saturday evening and then being too tired to cash in on fun plans. lately, it's sluggish days. lately it's waiting for anything to wake me up. lately, i'm apathetic.

and lately life's all about those kind notes stuck to my lunch. it's the kiss on my forehead and hand on my knee. it's those few hours in the day i get to turn the music up loud and get so. much. done. life the last while has been waking up to the birds and the sun. it's been brownies in the evening and warm oatmeal to wake up with.

lately, life's been a list of promising projects and a game of get-yourself-motivated. lately, it's been mutual evening reading instead of dishes. it's plans for summer. it's an ever-growing list of free date ideas. it's a new bird every week and homemade bread and an extra couple hundred dollars a month. it's clean bed sheets and long, long spring. it's the bobcat at the zoo bouncing off the walls next to affectionate otters. it's pretending to buy food for our pretty-much-pretend cat. i think his name is squirrel. it's cool mornings with time to exercise and the urge to sketch and sew.

lately, life is the smaller things and the attempt to stay focused on them.

two weeks until the mini (mini...) vacation. fourteen weeks until my last day of work. fifteen to go to moving day. oh, and the 4th of july is stuck in there somewhere. thank the heavens for a holiday in the middle of summer - i'm certain i'm not the only one who needs more celebration in life lately.

Friday, May 3


Last night, I sprawled on my bed with a bright blue pen, a blank sheet of paper and a hardback fantasy novel (my new desk). I was at it again, trying to climb out of the muck with word-vomit therapy. I read a post the other day that was very timely. She talked about having a touchstone thought pattern, an edge of the swimming pool to grab on to. Her phrase was I hate my body. That was the rut her mind had created by going over it and over it and over it again, to the point that now it goes back to that place even though it isn't true anymore.

If there's one thing I know it's that a thought process is one of the hardest things to rewire. So that's what I was doing. Again.

The last couple of weeks there's been this lurking dissatisfaction with my body. It's been one of those hard-to-describe feelings. Not overpowering in the least, but persistent. Hiding in the corners, there when I walk into my house after work and walk past the mirror to take a shower. Not enough...not there yet the voice seems to whisper.

It helps to yell at the voice. Loudly. Literally. And sometimes I do. I've been countering with backhands like, Trying to lose weight never got you anywhere but miserable, and My body isn't on the table for that kind of discussion. And still it lurks.

Dissatisfied. Not good enough. Wouldn't the challenge be fun? Why don't you weigh yourself, see if you could lose 5 more lbs than where you're at now? Dissatisfied. Dissatisfied. Dissatisfied. You could be just a little bit better...

I've been working on that little piece of paper for almost a week now, challenging each lie that comes up, calling it out for the falsehood it is. It's a grip on reality. And last night while I was writing, it hit me. This is my touchstone. That body bashing, the not-good-enough's, those are the things I still grab when I don't really know what I'm feeling except for...not good.

And then it all made sense. I'm not dissatisfied with my body. Really, there are lots of things I like about my body. I'm very satisfied with my weight and shape and when my thoughts are rational, nothing at all needs to change. Where I'm at is wonderful. I'm not dissatisfied with my body, I'm dissatisfied with my life. Bored to death and in need of a challenge. Sick of sitting at work and staring at a computer screen, sick of living on the same street, in the same apartment where the furniture has been in the same place for a year. I've just been blaming that on my body, taking out that boredom at one of the only avenues it's ever been directed in my life.

Losing weight was always a challenge, something to throw myself at and get really intense about. Health and food and weight and all that - it was interesting. It was an obstacle to overcome, something to seriously channel my energy through. And it was one of the most destructive outlets I could have chosen (or that was handed to me - thanks, Society).

Now though, I see the connection. Bored with life? Lose weight, the challenge will be fun! Dissatisfied with your job? You can't change that so why not be dissatisfied with your body instead? THAT we can change. Finding what I really felt disarmed those thoughts completely. I am completely satisfied with my body and it is fine exactly where it is. There is no need to change it, whatsoever (no matter what my weight or size).

And now that I know what the problem really is, I can address it. I'm going to learn how to play tennis I think. And maybe train for another 10k or something of the sort. I've seriously been considering shaving the side of my head and I'm pretty sure that green nail polish is in order. I'm going to go on a decluttering, cleaning rampage this weekend and then maybe buy some fresh flowers to put on the kitchen table. I know there are only three months left, but really...I think it's time to rearrange the whole house. I think I want to learn to make baklava. Or maybe just a really killer carrot cake. And pretty soon, my soul will need a campfire and s'mores.  Some new makeup will probably help, and possibly a pair of shoes. And paper chains. Paper count-down chains are totally in order. I think I might make four.

Little things have the power to help one feel beautiful again once the knowledge I always was is claimed (...again).

So, guess what? There's nothing wrong with my body. I'm just bored to death and in need of some (not-so-small) adventuring. And seriously, figuring that out felt like one of the biggest successes I've had in a month. I'm pretty sure I'm going to add and what are you REALLY dissatisfied with? on the sticky note on my wall that already says Fat is NOT a feeling.

Also, do you know how hard it is to write the word dissatisfied twenty times in one post? I'm pretty sure I only spelled it right on the first try once.

Sunday, April 28

daily affirmations

Today, I am diligently seeking the help and strength of the Lord. I know without Him I am nothing and only in His strength is anything possible.

Today, I am  loving caring for my body. It is a gift and I will work hard to be grateful for the many wonderful things it does for me. My body is enough just the way it is, and it fulfills the purposes it was designed for.

Today, I am patiently accepting my emotions and the emotions of others.

Saturday, April 27

Whereupon I Discover I Do Not Thrift

I need summer clothes. Abilene gets hot. Really, really hot. I've been feeling like I'm wearing the same thing over and over now that the weather is warming up, so the other day I separated my closet by...warmth. Jackets together, sweaters together, long sleeves, short sleeves, then vests and the like. I realized I felt like I was wearing the same thing over and over because well, I am. A couple basic short sleeved shirts, a sweater vest, a professional vest, and a couple tanks. Granted, I can still wear long sleeves to my icebox work, but I'm not entirely sure that will last much longer either.

I think the shrinking of wardrobes is inevitable in the spring and summer. All winter long, you've been wearing all your short sleeves, with long sleeves and with sweaters, with jackets and scarves and everything else piled on top. Suddenly, it's just too freaking warm to wear anything but a shirt and some jewelry, so the wardrobe gets cut in half. Or worse.

Mine was worse. Much worse. So I scrounged up a little extra money and gave myself the allotment to spend. I need plenty of clothes, but the budget isn't massive...aaaand I've been hearing a lot about all the great things everyone's finding at thrift stores these days, too! I went thrifting. Two hours and two stores later, I discovered I am not and never will be a thrifter.

Even Ross was just a flat out disappointment. Not only do I get overwhelmed at the endless rows of clothes all sorted by size, I get frustrated at my lack of options. Perhaps for those who shop as a hobby, a thrift store wouldn't be that bad. After all, if you have 6 hours to kill and no particular needs, you can wander up and down those isles to your heart's content! But I shop with purpose. If I need a pair of jeans, I don't want to go into a store to see that they have 2 pairs of jeans in my size and 7581 dresses. Not cool.

I looked through all 7581 dresses and found 1 that I liked. I tried it on and it was pretty decent, even. Then in exasperation, I nearly shouted, I'M NOT LOOKING FOR DRESSES! Frustration.

No, I want to shop somewhere that I like the clothes. Somewhere I know I can walk in and have some of everything to choose from. Somewhere things aren't already used and tossed aside and somewhere things aren't marked down 27 times because no one else wanted them.

I have accepted that I am not a thrifter and never will be.

Next week, I'm going to the mall.

Tuesday, April 23

Self Respect

"I fell in love with her for her courage, for her sincerity and her flaming self respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be."
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, April 22

love & earth

today i love chats with my family, even short ones. i love steamed asparagus and egg sandwiches. i love a quick run in 70 degree weather and crazy grackles. i love weekly to-do lists, i love finally having a clean fridge (even if i did break it....). i love clean tablecloths. eyeliner. steaming hot showers. i love chirping sparrows who eat the entire feeder's worth of food in a matter of days. i love a clear desk and blank white pages. i love folk gospel music. the empty kitchen sink. folded blankets. i love cardigans, sandals, deep purple nail polish. i love a made bed and lazy clouds in the sky. i love summer blowing in with suddenly-green trees. i love big glasses of water and peanut butter. oh so much peanut butter. i love fresh veggies on the menu and a kitchen full of nourishing food. i love days off and the peace of my laying in my bed for an extra half hour this morning. slow days and time to relax, renew and wake up to live again.

ps. happy earth day! :)

Friday, April 12

WHAT I'M LISTENING TO: The City Harmonic

powerful belief, declared from the rooftops. from the top of my lungs: amen!

Birding Adventure - Lake Kirby

Basically, we bird all the time. Every run outside and drive to work we're both spotting all the birds on the ground and in the air. The more extravagant adventures are worth it, though. Just a bit ago we took the little drive out to Lake Kirby on the south side of Abilene. What we saw was amazing.

The sky was on fire that morning! The pictures just never do a sunrise justice, but that's one of my favorite parts of birding. In Texas, there isn't anything to obscure the sun when it's rising, so it surfaces big, red and bright. We ended up seeing about 20 different species of birds, many of which were new. As we were getting close to finishing up, an old man pulled up to us in his truck and asked if we were birding. After some fun conversation, the man (Sam) told us how to get to the other side of the lake. It was much less visited, he said, and we'd be able to see lots of different kinds that won't go on the main side. Those directions started another adventure that lasted about 2 more hours.  Finding the other side was harder than we thought (why there aren't as many people to scare off the birds), and we ended up driving around the lake about four times before finding the turn off. It was absolutely worth it, though.

The above picture is our new friend, the Red-winged Blackbird. These guys are beautiful. Big red shoulders, with a bright yellow wing stripe visible in flight. I'm glad we caught them in the spring because all the males were scoping our their territories and their territorial calls are wonderful. We also saw a few Great Blue Herons, a bunch of Double-crested Cormorants (which are really the most mysterious water birds ever), some Snowy Egrets, a few Killdeer and Greater Yellow Legs, several Northern Cardinals, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers (my favorite), a group of Wild Turkeys, American White Pelicans, tons of American Coots and other ducks, and an unidentified hawk - still working on hawks, they're proving tough to differentiate.

Along with the beautiful morning birds, our conversation with Sam was meaningful. Every morning, he comes to pick up trash around the lake and to watch the birds. He says he likes it because it gets him and his wife out of the house. His wife, who has Alzheimer's sat in the truck beside him. He had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, but lamented that she didn't understand what was going on. He worried they wouldn't make it to their 51st. The conversation touched me, as did his love for and knowledge of the birds by the lake. He said fairly soon, we should be able to see a Green Heron come into town. Green Herons are a favorite we'd love to see in the wild - the king of all grouch birds.

Again, birding was restorative. It brought back a deep sense of wonder and awe for the beauty of the world we live in and the millions of different creatures that call it home.

I hope to see many more Red-winged Blackbirds this spring. Spring continues to promise new sights by sending us a female Indigo Bunting on our feeder - undeterred by the squabbling sparrows. She's spunky and apparently a rare sight. They're secretive birds, especially the females. We have our eyes wide open searching for her bright blue mate. Spring also brought barn swallows - the little torpedo bird. I can't wait to see what the warmer weather blows in.

Monday, April 8

loving the least-of-things in life.

today i love sunshine in the mornings and 82 degrees. displaying grackles and a mockingbird friend's tail poking out of her nest. i love getting things done and scrubbing the heck out of the darn tub. i love chocolate peanut butter everything (always). time to myself to read and think and write and explore my own heart. i love being tricked into getting up on time (really, that ten minutes makes a lot of difference sometimes). quiet workdays and thoughtful friends. meaningful conversations, spiritual revelations, being content with my own physical form. teachings of buddha, my own hands opening, letting energy and love flow in and out, both ways. lists lists lists. saturdays off work and one day to sleep in just an hour or two. dinner by the lake and barn swallows with their forked tails and deep blue wings. sore legs, sore chest, sore arms, sore back, sore butt. pink socks, quilts and brandon sanderson. banana chocolate chip muffins and almond joy green smoothies. throwing things away (oh, so many things). the luke skywalker bobble-head on my desk, next to my solar-powered waving daisy - his and hers. house sparrows at the feeder, fat and fighting. today i love the things that make me feel alive, that pulse of personality and joy. today i love that phase of spring that can't hold back summer's passion any longer. the explosion of life, the sun bright overhead.

Saturday, April 6

Daily Affirmations

Today, I am courageously accepting my body exactly the way it is. I am beautiful and have great capacity for love - that means loving myself, too.

Today I am mindfully recognizing the blessings God has given me. I am a beloved daughter of great worth to the Lord. He is present and in tune to my needs.

Today I am faithfully accepting God's will for me. His hand is guiding my life - I need not fear.

Friday, April 5

what freedom is

this afternoon, i fulfilled a lifelong desire. the desire to run is planted deep in my soul; my body aches for movement in the sunshine. but there are always limitations. time is almost always a factor - in the morning, always something else to get to, to get the run over for. breath - if you run out, there's just not much you can do about it. aches in my stomach and legs factor into the distance, and then there's weather. morning runs in the summer are glorious, but eventually it just gets too darn hot. winter, the tolerance is only so long, and the remaining two seasons tend to be fairly unpredictable. it's hard to run in rain and snow if you're dressed for warm sunshine.

all those factors hold me back at times. but the treatment i give my body holds me back most.

deep in my bones, i want to feel the call of the sunshine and dirt, have the time and physical capacity to run until i'm satisfied without any restraints. freedom. that's what the desire speaks of.

this afternoon, i set out to the gym with my love. it's been unusually cold lately. the gym has been a refuge for the two of us who less-than-love the icy wind. as we pulled into the parking lot, we noticed the sun come out and start to warm the air around us. it was 5:00 pm, the gym's busiest time, which for different reasons isn't particularly good for either of us.

a moment's contemplation and we pulled away and headed for the running trail. we set off at a brisk walk only, hand in hand. the sun warmed and awakened my heart. big, empty sky in all directions, pale spring blue.

the changing air called my soul to stay as long as i could and with most of the afternoon free, we found ourselves on an unexpected 4 mile run.

freedom, that's what it felt like.

two years ago, i would have been sick afterward and my body would have protested every step. but i still forced myself through sometimes, and i felt like a captive: forcing my body to burn off the calories whether my body liked it or not. i've run 7 miles before - that's the furthest i've ever gone. i remember building up to it. sometimes feeling elated, sometimes weak and dizzy. my body didn't know what to expect because i was starving it, gorging myself, running every day some weeks and some months going without any exercise at all.

my treatment of my physical self was unpredictable at best. self-abusive is probably a better description, and i'm not just talking about the eating disorder. i'm talking about the way i looked at myself in the mirror, the things i put my body through, the mistrust and control i exerted. and in return, i was a prisoner in my body. contained in a physical form that i hated for its limitations. it bound me. i had to fast and cleanse, exercise for an hour every single day and eat nothing but the purest, healthiest food the earth would give me...otherwise i would gain weight, be completely out of control, feel terrible because of all the piling-up health problems and ultimately would be worthless.

i was wrong.

almost a year ago now, on a day in the middle of may, i gave up the battle. i dropped the rope that bound me to my tearful tug-of-war with my body and walked away from it. i decided that it wasn't worth it.

i was sick of being terrified of gaining 5 pounds, sick of the guilt for eating an extra handful of chocolate chips. i wanted to be more than my battle with my body, desperately. i didn't want to look back at my life and see that the biggest theme was that i was always trying to lose weight and be healthier. there are more important things than this! my soul screamed.

so i decided to stop. i decided i would stop trying to lose weight - that i wasn't allowed to try to lose weight or entertain thoughts about it for a year. the time frame was important to me. i was terrified, first of all. terrified that the decision would mean my weight would sky-rocket and my discomfortl with my body would go with it. a time frame gave me a point at which i could say enough...if i needed to.

the alternative was simple: i would eat when i was hungry, building a practice of mindfulness so i could hear my body tell me when i was hungry and full. i would exercise consistently, but never push my body past what felt good. it sounds simple; it felt revolutionary.

i wanted to respect my body and build a relationship of trust with the physical form i inhabit. i wanted my body to trust me - really trust that it could tell me something and i would listen and act. this also meant no more beating my body down. (if you want a strong relationship with a friend, do you constantly tell them they aren't good enough? why, then, do we do this to ourselves if we want a strong, healthy body?)

it'll be a year in a little over a month. i was terrified at first, but now it's become more of a manifesto, a standard i've committed to live my life by. i didn't gain weight, by the way, but instead am in the best shape of my life. but it wouldn't have mattered. the point is that now i'm free - free to think of things other than weight and calories and ingredient labels. i'm free to wear whatever i want everyday instead of basing my clothing choices on how fat i felt and how big i thought my stomach was. the bare truth is, if you treat your body well consistently it becomes consistent. it trusts you.

this is all to say, today i went on a glorious 4 mile run in the sunshine and it meant more than i could have imagined. my body trusted that i wouldn't run myself into the ground, so it let go and really let me run comfortably. i'd been eating what felt good, so i had the energy and nutrients my body needed. i had build up my exercise consistently, slowly. built a strong base from which i could explore.

it felt like freedom. tangible and sweet. warm like the spring sun on my face. i wasn't caring about how many calories i was burning or the exact milage i was putting in for the week. i was expending some extra energy my body had because it asked me to, it called to me to run a little further. it felt glorious.


freedom to eat when i feel like it, whatever i feel like. freedom to run whenever i want to - as long or as little as i want.

freedom to not worry about my weight. to keep a broken scale in the bathroom and not care to replace it.

freedom to live and think about things that matter more than 5 pounds. things that matter desperately more than 5 pounds, or 10 pounds or 40 pounds.

this afternoon, i felt that freedom, felt it real and tangibly surrounding me. and it is more beautiful than i could have ever expected when i made the decision a year ago to simply give up and let go of the battle.

i gave up and found that real life is sweet. i discovered that when i'm not worrying about weight and calories and how healthy my lunch is or isn't, i have space to breath, space for serenity and love. i discovered that self-hatred and criticism can't coexist with real health. it's just not possible to tell your body it isn't enough and expect it to give you a good physical experience.

i learned that i can love myself no matter what my weight and i learned that losing weight doens't improve your self esteem and never will. i learned love and peace and acceptance. i learned how to trust and respect myself. in return, i've been given freedom. freedom that i think most women haven't yet tasted. and i'm afraid many won't choose to.

and honestly, that freedom is the sweetest gift on earth i feel a woman can receive.

i am grateful for that gift, for that freedom.

Wednesday, April 3

What I'm Reading

Today, I'm midway through the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge, and it is wonderful. It's one of those books that makes you think so differently than you ever have before - about your experiences in life, about where your life is headed, and about God. My relationship with God.

One idea in the book is to set aside time in your life for private worship - not just a minute here and there in prayer, but actual time. Several hours a week, even, of true worship. It got me thinking of what connects me most to God. In what ways do I feel closest to God and most loved by Him? When do I feel like He is most aware of me? I'm not one who has an easy time feeling extremely close to God at church. I love serving in the church at times; I know the ordinances there are necessary and deeply good for me. ...And often there are just too many distractions for me to really feel connected to God. Sometimes there are too many other people in the way, or their words just aren't pure truths that ring in my heart.

Immediately, I think of being outside. In nature, in the mountains. That's when I feel most connected to my Heavenly Father. When I can wander in the mountains and enjoy the absolute pure beauty all around me that He created for me, my soul sings worship. When I'm enjoying His natural creations, my heart naturally turns toward Him.

When I think about spending several hours a week in worship, being in nature could be a large part of it for me. I'm on a search for other things that make me feel naturally worshipful, that help me feel the devotion to God that I have and develop it further. Early quiet mornings, sometimes stillness and sometimes song. I know making music swells my heart in that way and helps me feel His touch on my heart, as does listening to the Christian rock station on my way to and from work at times. There I find messages meant just for me.

From a marriage retreat I attended over a year ago, I remember a list given to me of different ways that we fallen creatures can connect with the Divine. I think there were twelve categories. While I don't remember most, I know things like meditation and connection with others appeared on the list, along with other contradictions. We can experience God in our lives in so many different ways. Some seem so contradicting because we're all so different - we come to God naturally in very very different ways. I'd like to expand my horizons - seek out new ways in which to know God, for myself.

Today, that might mean conversation more centered on Christ. Tomorrow, perhaps a walk by the lake on my own. For certain, this book is a new way in and of itself, and inside it are so many ways to deepen my relationship with God and let him heal my heart.

Monday, April 1

Cookie Adventures

A week ago (or so) I got a big craving for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. This isn't that unusual, but this time I really wanted to try a different recipe. I've used the same one for as long as I can remember, which goes back to preteen days. Swimming in the backyard pool with my bestie Jessie W. and eating cookie dough to our heart's delight while playing Stratego, now that was what I call a summer break. It's been a long, long time. I've tried other recipes, but they just never seem to measure up... So I stick to the one that tried and true: the cookie recipe of my childhood. But this day, this day I found a recipe to trump all others. My friend, meet The Chocolate Chip Cookie...

Yes, this is the ultimate chocolate chip cookie. Chewy and warm. Crisp on the outside, but ultimately gooey in center. Basically the best cookie I've ever made (which, I'm telling you, was the biggest success of the year considering the condemned oven this apartment houses).

And here's our cookie face:

That might not look like a good face...but it is. I promise.

Recipe credit goes to In the Little Red House. She's right - the sprinkle of salt before baking just does wonders.

Thursday, March 28


today i'm feeling aggressive. it's felt good to throw my energy at things - the ground, a book, a project. mentally hurling my energy in any direction has given me more satisfaction than anything else today.

physically, i'm feeling really well and healthy. my body feels slim and lean and ready to move. it feels ready for summer and hiking and fun. long arms, lean core, powerful legs.

i'm feeling pretty relaxed today. there's a tiny bit of tension in the back of my neck (most likely from my bad mood this morning), and i'm a little tired from sitting so long, and otherwise i'm feeling great! loose and relaxed. my shoulders feel light, my legs feel stable, my arms energized.

today, i'm fighting a little shame for the chocolate and peanut butter. i'm also telling myself that it's absolutely okay to give myself a treat no matter what it is! i'm responding to hunger and fullness signals and feeding myself well.

also just realized i'm super thirsty! water-bottle refilled! i can hear music and grackle solicitations - one of my favorite sounds.

i'm feeling like i want some connection, but also like i want a break. i'd like time to paint my nails, do yoga and watch a dress your truth video tonight - 12 step or no? i'm waffling right now.

i was angry and frustrated today and realized it was the book i was reading - along with feeling some shame around my fear of bugs and being perceived as annoying. those things started my day off pretty crappy. but luckily it improved. a great run outside in the hot sunshine and a little bit of time with taylor and i'm feeling much more my (pleasant) self this afternoon.

Summer Break

i need the warmth of a thousand summers on my face today. an aching deep in my body for the freedom of running through the blossoming backyard, chasing birds, picking apricots. sun-dried hair and sun-burnt shoulders. bare feet and freckles on my face. i'm in need of a fly away and see you next season kind of vacation. the kind that takes me to places with warm colors, rich mountains, beautiful trees, and an all-penetrating heat. i want the high-school-summer-job carefree of sure! let's blow $200 on clothes today! and the afterwork thrill of homemade cookies and chess games. i long for the kind of adventure that makes my blood tingle and my head swim. that jump-off-a-50-foot-cliff feeling as the water below gets closer and closer and... i want the lazy days of cats in the carpet sun-patches and time to write in the morning on the sofa with a large glass of lemon water. my feet are restless to pound the red dirt as the sun crests the hilltops. long grass and cold strawberries and grapes, all laying on our backs staring at the wind-blown cloud castles. shorts and flip-flops and swimsuits and lazy popsicle drips. waking to sunshine in the morning, sunshine in the evening at bedtime. sunshine in my toes, my eyelids, my fingertips. my soul yearns for summer break.

Monday, March 18

Today's Victories

today i gave myself some chocolate chips and peanut butter. it wasn't unusual. but, see, yesterday i declared today "clean eating week." which basically means i've been eating a lot of sugar and sweets, not very many fruits and vegetables and i haven't been getting outside and getting the exercise that makes me feel top notch. i've felt sluggish and less than great. so, today was the beginning of clean eating week. i was also aware that i needed to not slip into restriction. clean eating week did NOT mean that i was going to restrict myself and cut out sweets or sugar completely. it wasn't going to mean that i felt deprived. that was the trick.... i wanted some chocolate chips, but i couldn't - i was supposed to be eating well this week. i struggled with the thought for while, maybe an hour or so. and then, realization dawned. i was trying to give my body what it needs, what is respectfully good for it without going over the top and withholding everything it loves. so i took out the chocolate chips, got a spoonful of peanut butter and enjoyed. it was delicious. and afterward, i felt satisfied. i also had some orange, carrot, beets and potatoes today. and i ran 2.5 miles in the sunshine. treating my body well in lots of different ways. after the last two weeks, today was a big victory that way.

today, i did two loads of laundry. but wait - i didn't just do two loads of laundry, i did two loads of laundry AND folded them all. and put them away. really, need i say more to explain why that's a victory? i have to add though, the washer and dryers ate an extra $1.75 and instead of kicking them (the usual response), i simply thought, it's a good thing i'm rich! all about perspective, people. really.

today, i had a balance of wakefulness and rest. i kept going. i started cleaning the kitchen this morning. i didn't finish until tonight, but i did accomplish much of what i set out to. today i changed the tablecloth and put on a table runner to beautify our home just a tab bit. straightened the bed, folded the sofa blankets. and i gave myself a nice long nap. the time was unintentional, but i gave my body some compassion for the hard work it's been doing lately. success, indeed.

tonight, i made some small conversation with a stranger - a simple thing that made a big difference in my day.

today i changed my perspective probably 325 times. the victory then is not that i didn't slip, but that i got back on track without giving up and letting myself stew in rumination and bad mood.

and i wrote twice - that's more than in weeks.

victorious day. here and there, a little bit all the time.


forgive yourself the mornings you eat much too much for breakfast and it ruins your day. forgive yourself the silent treatment you gave your husband just because he pointed out one of your faults. the last day off when you didn't get a single thing done because you couldn't stop reading - forgive yourself for that, even though it means there's twice as much to do today. the anger that stirs in your stomach for all the times no one responded, let yourself feel it, let it be there, let it devour you for a moment. then take a deep breath and forgive yourself for your unkind thoughts, then another breath and let everyone else be unresponsive. God's not. the times when you don't want anyone to see what you write, when you just want to curl up and hide in your corner of the bed and not be found for days and days and days, forgive yourself that isolation. for the piled up dishes and messy desk. for the unmade bed that is a bad, bad day and for the bad day that turns into a two-week funk, forgive yourself those things and let the funk be just that. for the days you take care of everyone but yourself and the people who let you, forgive yourself those days, those tendencies and those relationships. for too much sugar and not enough sunshine. for checking pinterest and facebook ten times in an hour. for scowls and angry words and off-days.

forgive yourself.

Thursday, February 21

Wednesday, February 20

living life

"She always had the feeling that it was very, very dangerous to live even one day."
-- Virginia Woolf

Tuesday, February 19


“For what it’s worth … it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

-- Erik Roth

Saturday, February 16

Satuday Spontaneity

Happy Saturday! I read today that what you do on a Saturday afternoon is the best judge of what your passions are - that being what you do in your spare time. Today (after work), I've taken a little nap, spent a bit figuring out how to wear a new shirt I bought, played the violin, called a friend, and written this little post! Now, I'm about to go on a run and find something spectacular to snack on afterward. I guess that means I have a lot of passion...? Especially since my last Saturday afternoon looked much, much different....

Anyway, new hair as of the beginning of the week! I debated for quite a while whether I was growing out or going short again (the dilemma of my life), but the fauxhawk made a comeback. Eventually, it'd be really cool to have hair down to my shoulders again. Someday. Ha :)

So Project Declutter is coming along. Now that the clothes are all taken to Goodwill, I'm feeling the buzz and ready to move on to the rest of the apartment. Hopefully the remainder of the weekend proves productive. For the rest of the night, I'm off to Stake Conference, then to sushi! I'm not expecting anything much since we're staying here in land-locked little Abilene and going to their only Japanese Steakhouse, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! Here's to hoping so...

Friday, February 15

love day

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'd like to play the LOVE game again! Finding things to love is good for the soul. It teaches my heart to be open and my mind to bring everything back to love. Basically, the love game was for yesterday, but since I'm celebrating all weekend (no, really i am) I figured this was still appropriate. And... when is it not? :)

1. I love sausage and kale for breakfast (with a leftover scone, of course). So yummy! A perfect start to the day.
2. I love having a job where I can read anything I want. Pleasure reading is just as good as I thought it would be back when I had a stack of textbooks next to my bed.
3. I love my fauxhawk. Today it makes me feel like I'm a blue jay.
4. I love knowing there are packages headed my way. I forget all about the mail for weeks sometimes, but when I know something's coming, the anticipation has me thinking of my mailbox every time i come home.
5. I love the kind man who came into work this morning. When people are uncommonly friendly and cooperative, it just makes my day.
6. I love Valentine's Day! I know it just seems overrated to a lot of people, but I love to celebrate love of every kind - love for my family, love for food, love for chocolate and the earth and the birds and love for God. Love makes the world go round and setting aside a day to celebrate that fact is a brilliant idea in my book.
7. I love days I get off work in the early afternoon. It's really wonderful to come home in time to make dinner, exercise and still have time left over for a few projects.
8. Lately, I love a good afternoon run. Typically I think of myself as a morning exerciser, but after some thought I realized that probably a majority of my workouts happen between noon and 3:30 pm. I guess once winter sets in, I can't help but go out in the sunshine when I have the chance!
9. I love having things to donate to Goodwill. I'm so blessed to have an excess in my life, rather than a lack.
10. I love the beginning of the weekend! This weekend, I'm definitely looking forward to some time around my house and outside in the warm(ing up...) weather.

Happy Week of Love!

Wednesday, February 13

sunrise in my heart

I am grateful for the sunrise.

Sometimes when I get too deep, I start to think about how the earth is just one big symbolic cycle going round and round from days to seasons and back again to the beginning. I think there's a reason for all that - all the changing, the growth, the dying, and rebirth of another day, another season, another cycle. I don't really think we know the reasons, just the comfort of reality and repetition: the sun rises again, winter doesn't last forever.

The sun rises again.

Yesterday, I was grateful the day was over. The end found me dissatisfied and in want of a restart button. So I went to bed, closed my eyes, and waited for the natural restart to take place. The sun came up, and I barely noticed. Sometimes it's mornings that find me late for work when I appreciate a touch of pink left in the sky more than ever.

A beginning as large as the rise of the sun - the being that gives our entire world the gift of sight - can have a stilling affect on the earth. It's a rapid change, a push forward unlike any other. Whether we want it or not, a new day comes. As it does, the whole world seems to pause, to wait. The birds throw their rejoicing to any ear willing to listen, the sky catches fire and reflects in all the ponds and rivers and oceans in the world. And, if we take the invitation, we stand still. We reflect. We watch, wait, and wake up to the wonder of our existence a little more than we had before. It's a conundrum that a push forward like the rising of the sun can have the power to still the world - make it reflect.

My mother told me about a woman she knew once who never missed a sunrise. There are too few in a lifetime, she thought, to miss even one. This idea rolls around in my mind lately, pressing me to take the time to let the sunrise be a part of my life. Or, to let the sunrise be a part of my life more than it is when I catch its tail-end going only-five-over-the-speed-limit on my way to work. I'd like to live that principle: never miss a sunrise. I'd like to live that principle, in a more literal way than simply always being up before the sun. 

On mornings when I wake up late, when I eat as I'm driving to work, on mornings when I open my eyes and see the alarm clock instead of the rays pouring through the blinds, when I don't open the windows to hear how happy the birds are that it's light again, on mornings when I only realize it's already light as I open my door to leave for work, those are the mornings I miss the sunrise in a very, very real way.

On mornings when I wake to that jazzy cellphone alarm and stretch and smile in the sunlight I can see through the blinds, on mornings when I take off my sunglasses on my way to work so I can soak up every last drop of yellow-orange and pink in the sky in front of me, when I pull the blinds back before eating breakfast to watch the birds wake up and start to sing, on mornings when I think to say a silent prayer of gratitude that the sun came up again today, and on mornings when the sun rises in my heart with the same power it rises on the world, those are the mornings that I don't miss the sunrise.

I'd like to have many, many more of those mornings, catching the happiness of morning birdsong and carrying it with me all through the day.

Oh, how I am grateful for the sunrise.

Monday, February 11

birding #1

we are adventuring! 

at the beginning of the year, we decided that last year we sat around more than we'd like. it was great to have a good amount of time to just sit and chat, cook together and read books indoors. and there's more both of us want to do with our free time.

i have a good long list going of projects.

together, we decided it was high time we started documenting more of our adventures. more pictures! more spontaneity. more... fun.

so, last sunday we went on our first official birding adventure:

Phantom Fort Hill Lake

it was 30 degrees. in texas language, basically that might as well be -30 degrees.

all those white specs way out there are American White Pelicans. they are HUGE. and beautiful! we saw a little flock of thirteen.

they look a lot better through binoculars! :)

these are our gull friends.  they tolerated us and stayed pretty close - all the others we had to keep a pretty good distance from or they took off!

this was an absolutely beautiful morning. the sunrise was pink and orange coming up over our backs on the lake. we saw five Great Blue Herons, thirteen American White Pelicans, a ton of Ring-billed Gulls and one California Gull. one funky little Black-necked Stilt (with long bright red legs!), some little Gadwall clans, and a few we haven't identified yet.

i'm glad it's warming up because there are definitely more of these outings in the near future!

Friday, January 25


lately, i love the days i can exercise first thing in the morning, before work. getting up and getting it done just feels so. darn. good. and coming home from work to get into pajamas instead of running clothes is the best.

after work today, i went for a half hour walk. yesterday it was warm and sunny and beautiful - about 78 degrees and sunny skies! (in the middle of january....i know!) i assumed it would be the same today.....and i was wrong. ha! when i finally jumped in the car my fingers were so numb i could barely bend them. my lips had been blue for hours since work is a constant ice box, too. now, sitting in my pajamas and over-sized sweat-shirt, i'm still shivering a little (and it's been three hours ago now). i'd really like to turn up the energy on my body's heating element. how exactly does one do that?

i'm going back a few years today on a jimmy eat world kick. mmm mmm, they are good. remembering music from years ago is like closing my eyes one night and waking up five years ago.

our little pond is growing in attractions lately. the winter birds that flock there involve ring-billed gulls, great blue herons, a snowy egret, grackles and starlings (as always), and northern mockingbirds. i love how much the birds change with the season. the snowy egret is absolutely beautiful! but a big part of me misses the summer scissor-tailed fly catchers (my favorite). curiously, the robins have disappeared. they claim a whole corner of campus in the summer and we assumed they would almost double since many robins migrate to texas in winter. but it seems that abilene is a part of texas they migrate away from. i miss them.

lastly, i love friday night. after work on friday it feels as if the whole world is free. free as a bird! here's to the weekend.

Friday, January 11

january test run

it's a friday january evening and i'm thinking goals tonight. i've been thinking goals for a few nights, in fact. i'm not one that likes to set goals on january 1st to start keeping on january 1st. somehow, that's always seemed too quick. not enough time to really think about what i'm committing to, not enough time to reflect on my old ways and sometimes mourn their going.

so i spend much of january just thinking - thinking and jotting down notes on half-sheets of paper that inevitably end up who-knows-where. ironically, i decided to jot down notes on my laptop this go-around. on "notepad." just as i was really generating some good ideas (and not really reviewing much - on paper and out of my head...) my laptop shut down. i'm not sure if my husband kindly decided to turn it off for me one night (we're working on turning off our electronics at night) or if it finally had enough of being left open 24/7 and shut down to update as it periodically does. but anyway, i hadn't saved that notepad document. which means i lost my brainstorming.

the cool thing about google and thus blogger is that is saves automatically for you. i will never need to remember to press "ctrl/s" while writing a post because it does it for me. how cool is that?

so here goes.

this year i'm thinking a lot about limiting the media i intake. no, not some bizarre year-long media fast. but really. i've noticed so much the last several months how unfulfilled i am by the internet. while at work, i can spend all my free time browsing facebook, pinterest, blogs, internet shopping and generally being bombarded by thousands of advertisements that give me an underlying sense that i simply don't have enough stuff, don't make enough money, am not pretty or skinny enough and don't have enough friends. after a day of leaving my internet up at work, i come home wanting. in a complete attitude of lack. and frankly, i'm sick of it. i've deleted my pinterest account three different times now since beginning it because sometimes i don't like to see all the possibilities or all the amazing DIY projects everyone else appears to be doing. sometimes i think i'd have a more active imagination if i'd just let it do its own thing and find its own inspiration instead of seeking it on everyone else's pinboards. rant. anyway... the point is this: i think i would be a more fulfilled, happier person if i spent less time on online social networks and more time connecting with real people, writing my own stuff instead of reading others' stuff, and pursuing my own creative hobbies instead of browsing all the new possibilities. self-imposed internet restrictions are being considered.

this leads me that hobbies thing. i have more time than i think i do. true, i'm a believer in life being more simple - we don't need to do as much as we think. but really. i have hobbies i'd love to pursue. i want to pick up the violin for real again. i want to learn to knit. i want to start seriously writing. i've been moving around an "art box" for three years without really using it. hobby goals are in the works.

speaking of simplicity, i can always do better. i'm content with my crammed little apartment. and it would be awesome to get rid of all the boxes of clothes, finally clean out our over-stuffed closet and just throw a bunch of the junk away that i haven't looked at in a year. wouldn't it be awesome to have a house filled with things that were only functional, beautiful, or deeply sentimental? spring cleaning, i say. for a year.

the organization is going to extend to the blog, too. i have a few big projects planned for this online journal i keep, one of which being to categorize and organize my archives so everything has labels and is easily searchable. i like to review to see what i've written before and that'll be a lot easier once my blogland gets organized.

there's a lot more rolling around in my brain. continued recovery goals like keeping the weight-loss mentality out of my life and having a healthy-living perspective instead. goals of gratitude and positive psychology experiments on myself. goals for my running and strength. goals for work and savings and money... lots of goals. lots of things to look forward to.

january will be the test run. if the goal is really important, it'll stick around. otherwise... well, life only ever has time for the really important things.


on a completely unrelated note, i saw a snowy egret at the pond today. really, they are the coolest things - so pure white! i hope him and the blue heron can live peaceably together for the remainder of the winter.